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  • How Do I Fix My Sore Shoulders? - Agatsu Fitness
    April 24, 2023

    How Do I Fix My Sore Shoulders?

    We get asked this question a lot in our Mobility & Movement Courses. The key is to balance out your training.Basically if you are working your pushing muscles you have to work your pulling muscles. Weak rear delts are a...

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  • What Are You Training For? - Agatsu Fitness
    January 3, 2023

    What Are You Training For?

    Many of us out there train because we know 'its good for us'. We show up daily and go through the paces, get a little sweat on and feel great at the end of it. And there's nothing wrong with...

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  • Why You Should Turkish Get Up - Agatsu Fitness
    November 25, 2022

    Why You Should Turkish Get Up

    If you could only do one exercise for the rest of your life, you better make it The Turkish Get Up! This one move: -takes through three planes of movement -helps you develop better co-ordination -builds better support in your...

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  • Does Your Back Hurt When You Swing? - Agatsu Fitness
    November 30, 2021

    Does Your Back Hurt When You Swing?

    At a recent kettlebell instructor's course, we had a student tell us that her old trainer told her that back pain was part of learning kettlebells and that she should just get used it. This is absolutely not true! Swinging...

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  • Grip Training For Deadlifting - Agatsu Fitness
    April 5, 2021

    Grip Training For Deadlifting

    April is Deadlift Month! Director for Agatsu Strength and Speed Tyson LaRone will be giving you weekly tips to help you get the most out of your training. Deadlifting is one of the most important foundational lifts you should be...

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  • Practice To Prefect Your Feet - Agatsu Fitness
    March 24, 2021

    Practice To Prefect Your Feet

    Having looked more closely at the foot structure, common mobility restrictions and how they might influence function up the kinetic chain, let’s round out our month of exploring feet with some application of what we’ve learned. What can we do...

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  • Get To Know Your Feet - Agatsu Fitness
    March 8, 2021

    Get To Know Your Feet

    Here is our second instalment of How To Fix Your Feet by Sarah Woods. Firstly, if you want to fix something you have to assess what is going on before you can address it. Foot Dynamics What are the parts...

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  • Rear Delt Rolls - Weekly Fitness Challenge - Agatsu Fitness
    March 10, 2020

    Rear Delt Rolls - Weekly Fitness Challenge

    This weeks Agatsu Movement Minute."Rear Delt Rolls" One of the recommendations I make and cover in detail in the Agatsu trength and Speed Specialist certification course is to do specific rear delt work in every single upper body training session....

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