Diagonal Stretch- Weekly Fitness Challenge
Do you even do Altas Stone Lift with your Big Toes bro?.This weeks movement minute- Big Toe Atlas Stone lifts..The big toe is such important part of our daily life routine that it cannot be ignored..It is a key player...
Agatsu Fitness Challenge.Grab your crutches and walkers it's leg day!.This weeks movement challenge is going to test your flexibility strength & control..The "Superman Moonwalk" is a variation of the Pendulum that we teach in our level 1 Kettlebell certs. From...
Twisty squat progression to single leg #PistolSquat View this post on Instagram A post shared by Agatsu Fitness (@agatsufitness) on Jan 6, 2020 at 3:44pm PSTThis is a good way to warm up your lower body for loaded squats- and...
This weeks Agatsu Fitness Challenge- Rotating Pistol Planks.Challenge your “core”😉 with this wicked fun exercise..Try to be as level with the floor as possible..Perform three sets of eight..Enjoy! https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JAkSTFGOR/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
This week’s Agatsu Movement Minute brought you to by Senior Agatsu Mobility Instructor Sarah Yeo Scales are excellent for anyone wanting to improve single leg strength, balance, and mobility . This applies to runners, dancers, lifters, and wrestlers- identify holes...
The Importance Of FundamentalsAgatsu Director of Strength & Speed program @agatsuwest discussing the importance of fundamentals. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Agatsu Fitness (@agatsufitness) on Aug 29, 2019 at 11:40am PDT
This week’s Agatsu Movement Minute Swings and Server Squats Here’s a fun little kB combo to try out on a sunny day. Surprisingly it will work everything from your toe nails to your hair Alternating -single arm swing -high pull...