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  • Top 3 Kettlebell Exercises For Beginners - Agatsu Fitness
    February 5, 2023

    Top 3 Kettlebell Exercises For Beginners

    We get a lot of questions each week from beginners as to where they should start with kettlebells. First off, learn the basics and learn them well. This will ensure that you are building the proper techniques, avoiding needless injury...

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  • Why You Should Turkish Get Up - Agatsu Fitness
    November 25, 2022

    Why You Should Turkish Get Up

    If you could only do one exercise for the rest of your life, you better make it The Turkish Get Up! This one move: -takes through three planes of movement -helps you develop better co-ordination -builds better support in your...

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  • When is good, good enough? - Agatsu Fitness
    October 1, 2022

    When is good, good enough?

    Goal setting is an individual pursuit. You may be chasing a two times bodyweight back squat while your friend is working towards running a half marathon. There is no right or wrong to goal setting. What motivates one person to...

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  • Are You Making This Mistake? - Agatsu Fitness
    August 24, 2022

    Are You Making This Mistake?

    This is FUNDAMENTAL and many kettlebell instructors get it wrong. “Wrists to Zipper!!!” You will hear that cue said over and over again during our Agatsu Level 1 Kettlebell Instructor Certification. If you want to efficiently transfer energy from the...

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  • Swing Path & Counterbalance - Agatsu Fitness
    July 10, 2022

    Swing Path & Counterbalance

    Building on our last post.Endurance Kettlebell Snatch Working counterbalance, not from hips or back, but from shifting and leaning back from the feet. As the weight increases, the further back the body has to lean to keep the barycenter over...

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  • Are you making this Kettlebell training mistake? - Agatsu Fitness
    August 3, 2020

    Are you making this Kettlebell training mistake?

    One of the most common mistakes we correct Kettlebell Instructor Courses is incorrect foot placement during the Turkish Get Up..Placing your foot down as in the top photo creates instability and a weak platform for driving off the back leg..Get...

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  • Fit Over 40 Kettlebell Workout - Agatsu Fitness
    July 20, 2020

    Fit Over 40 Kettlebell Workout

    Agatsu Instrutor Jeanette Pearson showing you the power of Agatsu training. Age is just a number. Get up, grab a Kettlebell and get in shape.

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  • Backyard Sessions - 5 Round Home Workout - Agatsu Fitness
    June 14, 2020

    Backyard Sessions - 5 Round Home Workout

    Here’s a little yard work for your Sunday..5 rounds of-10 Curtsey Squat & Rear Lunge each leg-10 Plank KB Pulls per side-10 Sumo Squat to Rotational Overhead Press-10 Superhero Back Extensions with 10 bonus Pulldowns on last rep..Make sure you...

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