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Obtenez votre certification cet automne. De nouvelles dates/lieux viennent d'être ajoutés.

La formation en ligne

Que vous cherchiez à préparer votre prochaine certification, un événement sportif ou à atteindre vos objectifs d'entraînement personnels, nos programmes de formation en ligne vous guideront à chaque étape du processus. L’un des plus grands obstacles que les gens rencontrent sur le chemin de leurs objectifs de performance est tout simplement de ne pas savoir comment guider leur propre entraînement. Nos programmes en ligne vous mèneront du point A au point B avec des programmes de formation personnalisés soigneusement conçus qui développent systématiquement et intelligemment vos compétences.
  • Entraînements personnalisés hebdomadaires
  • Analyse et correction des techniques vidéo
  • Instruction vidéo personnalisée
  • Rapports d'avancement codés par couleur et tests de référence
Vous avez du mal à obtenir votre premier pull-up ? Êtes-vous fatigué de constamment vous heurter à un mur dans votre entraînement parce que vous ne savez pas comment programmer pour atteindre vos objectifs ? La formation personnelle en ligne Agatsu vous aidera à atteindre et à dépasser vos objectifs de formation. Demandez-nous de créer des programmes de formation spécifiques sur mesure pour faire passer votre formation au niveau supérieur. Donnez-nous vos trois principaux objectifs de formation et travaillons ensemble pour les atteindre. Contactez-nous pour postuler

Kettlebell Instructor Certifications

Become a Certified Kettlebell Instructor

Become a Certified Kettlebell Instructor

Elevate your fitness career with Agatsu Kettlebell Certifications, a leader in kettlebell education for over 20 years. As one of the first courses offered worldwide, our expert-led program provides comprehensive training, practical techniques, and hands-on experience to help you master the art of kettlebell instruction. Perfect for both fitness professionals and enthusiasts, our certification opens doors to new opportunities and sets you apart in the industry. Start your journey to becoming a certified kettlebell expert with Agatsu – enroll now and join a legacy of excellence!

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Mobility & Movement Instructor Certifications

Become a Certified Mobility & Movement Instructor

Become a Certified Mobility & Movement Instructor

Transform your fitness career with Agatsu Mobility and Movement Instructor Certification. Our program will save you years of struggling trying to piece together exercises and routines. Our expert-led course takes the guesswork out of training, teaching you how to break down and conquer mobility and movement challenges effectively. Perfect for fitness professionals and enthusiasts alike, our certification provides comprehensive training and hands-on experience to help you meet your goals and those of your clients. Join Agatsu and learn to master mobility with confidence – enroll today and start your journey to excellence!

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Mace & Club Instructor Certifications

Montreal Light/Heavy Club & Mace Certification April 20-21 - Agatsu Fitness

Become a Certified Mace and Club Instructor

Advance your fitness career with Agatsu's Mace & Club Instructor Certification. Our online self-paced programs are designed to enhance your personal practice and elevate what you offer your clients. Save years of trial and error by learning proven techniques to master the mace as well as both light and heavy clubs. Perfect for fitness professionals and enthusiasts. Enroll today and start your journey to becoming a certified mace and club expert with Agatsu!

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Strength & Speed Certification

Agatsu Strength and Speed Barbell Instructor Certification

Become a Certified Strength & Speed Instructor

Take your fitness career to the next level with the Agatsu Strength and Speed Instructor Certification. Our expert-led, comprehensive program is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to enhance both your own performance and that of your clients. Learn cutting-edge techniques to build explosive strength and lightning-fast speed. Join a community of elite trainers and become a certified Agatsu Strength and Speed Instructor. Enroll today and unleash your potential!

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