The 45-degree handle angle is a game-changer when it comes to safeguarding your wrists. Holding the handle at this angle ensures that the pressure on your wrists is significantly reduced.Lire maintenant
Mastering the Swing: The Pendulum - Part 3
In Part 2, we emphasized the importance of maintaining the 3-point stack—keeping the 3 points of the spine in alignment—to safeguard our backs during kettlebell exercises. In Part 3, weLire maintenant -
Demystifying the Kettlebell Swing: Part Two - Safeguarding Your Back and Mastering Breathing Techniques
Protecting Your Back: The 3-Point Stack Technique Before lifting the Kettlebell off the ground, prioritize safeguarding your back. Back injuries are a common concern when learning the setup for the Kettlebell Swing. Properly executed swings contribute to overall back strength; however, incorrect form can pose injury risks. Utilizing a stick or PVC piping, focus on the 3-Point Stack technique.Lire maintenant -
Demystifying the Kettlebell Swing: Part One - Unveiling Misconceptions and Mastering Set-Up
Lire maintenantContrary to popular belief, what's commonly referred to as the "Russian Swing" in many fitness circles diverges significantly from the classical approach embraced by Russian kettlebell training.
New Years Resolutions in December: Setting Yourself Up for Fitness Success Not Failure
Lire maintenantIts almost the dreaded New Years resolution time. That right, the time of year when gyms are packed for two weeks followed by the sounds of crushed dreams and forgotten goals. As the year winds down, many aspire to embark...
Master the Kettlebell Swing: A Must-Have Skill for New Fitness Trainers
Lire maintenantAre you a new fitness trainer? Welcome to the world of fitness coaching, where your knowledge and expertise can transform lives. One exercise that every fitness professional should master and teach with confidence is the High Tension Kettlebell Swing. The...
Why Kettlebells Are Hurting Your Back: The Importance of Proper Form and Qualified Training
Lire maintenantKettlebells have come a long way since the early days when I introduced them here in Canada. Thats right, way back when I started brining Kettlebells to gyms across the country almost no one had heard of or seen one....
Unwind and Recover: The Remarkable Benefits of Massage Guns
Lire maintenantIf stressed out tight muscles seem to be your constant companions, finding effective ways to alleviate these issues should be a priority. One innovative solution that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of massage gun machines. I often...
The Perfect Starting Point: Why the 8KG Kettlebell Is Ideal for Women
Lire maintenantWhen it comes to starting your kettlebell training journey, choosing the right weight is crucial for your success. The weights that you choose can make the difference between a successful experience and one that leaves you discouraged. So whats the right...