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Demystifying the Kettlebell Swing: Part Two - Safeguarding Your Back and Mastering Breathing Techniques - Agatsu Fitness

Demystifying the Kettlebell Swing: Part Two - Safeguarding Your Back and Mastering Breathing Techniques

In this segment of our series on the Kettlebell Swing, we'll delve into crucial preparatory steps and breathing techniques essential for safeguarding your back and refining your swing setup.

  1. Protecting Your Back: The 3-Point Stack Technique Before lifting the Kettlebell off the ground, prioritize safeguarding your back. Back injuries are a common concern when learning the setup for the Kettlebell Swing. Properly executed swings contribute to overall back strength; however, incorrect form can pose injury risks. Utilizing a stick or PVC piping, focus on the 3-Point Stack technique.

    • Hold the stick against your back, aligning it with your head, thoracic, and lumbar spine.
    • Hinge up and down as though performing a Kettlebell Swing, ensuring that all three points maintain contact with the stick throughout the movement.

    This exercise fosters spine alignment awareness and prepares you to execute the swing with proper back protection. Refer to the accompanying video for a comprehensive understanding of this exercise's execution.

  2. Refining Technique: Top Down Bottoms Up Checklist and Breathing Employ the meticulously detailed Top Down Bottoms Up checklist while lifting the Kettlebell, focusing on precise breathing techniques. Inhale sharply through your nose during the downward movement and exhale through your mouth, positioning your tongue behind your teeth—a method analogous to a boxer's breathing technique.

    Performing Kettlebell Deadlifts with this breathing pattern is instrumental in ingraining the checklist into your swing setup. This synchronization of breathing and checklist adherence not only fortifies your form but also primes your body for executing high-tension swings safely and effectively.

Adopting the 3-Point Stack technique and practicing Kettlebell Deadlifts while adhering to the Top Down Bottoms Up checklist and refined breathing patterns significantly fortifies your understanding and execution of the Kettlebell Swing.

Next in the series, we'll explore two of the most important exercises to preform before you swing the Kettlebell, common pitfalls, and strategies to optimize your Swing, propelling you toward achieving diverse fitness objectives while ensuring safety and efficacy. Be sure to follow the link to the video provided for a visual guide on the 3-Point Stack technique.

If you are serious about your Kettlebell training join us at one of our seminars. Two days that will give you the foundation you need to safely and effectively train and coach others with Kettlebells. Register here

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Previous article Mastering the Swing: The Pendulum - Part 3
Next article Demystifying the Kettlebell Swing: Part One - Unveiling Misconceptions and Mastering Set-Up

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