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  • When is good, good enough? - Agatsu Fitness
    October 1, 2022

    When is good, good enough?

    Goal setting is an individual pursuit. You may be chasing a two times bodyweight back squat while your friend is working towards running a half marathon. There is no right or wrong to goal setting. What motivates one person to...

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  • Greatest Ab Exercise?! - Agatsu Fitness
    September 13, 2022

    Greatest Ab Exercise?!

    Social media is full of influencers peddling “easy” ways to get what you want.The latest go to amazing way to get a six pack is the Kettlebell around the body pass. While this move has its uses anyone touting it...

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  • How Do You Move 18000 Pounds? - Agatsu Fitness
    July 23, 2019

    How Do You Move 18000 Pounds?

    How do you move 18 000lbs? An interview Agatsu founder @shawnmozen gave for YouGottaLove Success Diaries a few years ago. Listen to the story of how Shawn introduced Kettlebells in Canada and became the Father of Canadian Kettlebell training. View...

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  • Improvements are like grains of sand. - Agatsu Fitness
    December 23, 2017

    Improvements are like grains of sand.

    Everyone sooner or later feels frustration with their practice. Remember that ever step forward no matter how tiny or seemingly insignificant is still a step forward. One day two steps forward, one back. Another day two back and only one...

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  • Celebrity Endorsements Don't Mean Sh#% - Agatsu Fitness
    December 8, 2017

    Celebrity Endorsements Don't Mean Sh#%

    Tis the season to convince the world that your gadget will slim, tone, hack and make everyones training dreams come true. Our social media accounts are bombarded daily with news of sales, celebrity endorsed products and promises;oh the promises. Adds...

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