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Masters Of Movement 2013 - Movement Camp - Agatsu Fitness

Masters Of Movement 2013 - Movement Camp

Its been three weeks since we wrapped up the Masters of Movement Training Week and everyone is still talking about it. In the months building up to this amazing movement camp I received a lot of emails and calls from people asking me if they should sign up. I told everyone that I believed they would learn more in 5 days than most people do in 5 years. I told several people that this would change how they train forever. Looking back I have to admit that although I believed 100% in what I was saying I was also aware that these were big statements and I hoped the training camp could live up to my dreams. When the first day rolled around we had a sold out group made up of students from Italy, UK, USA, and across Canada. These people were truly the lucky ones. With a waiting list 20 people deep only the ones who got in will truly understand what we accomplished that week. You can all look at the pictures but only those who were there will know what they are about. We started off by presenting everyone with their welcome packages. These "goodie" bags were put together with the help of our amazing sponsors including ZemGear, Ript Skin Systems, Deflying Fitness, Inov-8, Fear the Fighter, Travel Roller, and My Mad Methods Magazine. I can't thank these companies enough for their support. They believed in our vision for creating a movement event that could transform how people train and they supported it with their awesome products. I also have to give a huge thank you to our generous host Dhani Oks of the Academy of Lions. AOL is one of the most amazing gyms I have every had the pleasure to teach in and really a home away from home for me. For five days participants trained with seven coaches in 25 workshops. Weightlifters were exposed to Parkour and Kettlebell enthusiasts were taught handbalancing. Everyone was taken out of their comfort zone and given a once in a lifetime experience that showed them movement is about awareness, creativity and exploration. Each participant had a personal journey searching for not only lessons on how to train but also and most importantly "why." I could go on about our training that week, how people hit running milestones after Kimchan's running clinics or how people hit new weightlifting PR's under the watchful eye of Alexander Varbanov. I could tell you about doing handstands on canes or swinging Kettlebells loaded with bands. I could try to describe more but what I would write wouldn't be as clear as the words of the participants who made up this extraordinary group that over five days transformed their training forever. If you want to know what Masters of Movement Training Week is about, listen to what the people who were there have to say about it. "Awesome day today. A total eye opener. Managed to expose many of my weaknesses and got some ways to improve. Thanks to all the coaches and my fellow participants for their invaluable help."Mario Lizee "Mahalo with big love to Shawn Mozen and Sara-Clare Lajeunesse for creating the transformational experience #mastersofmovement. When I signed up I knew I was in for a phenomenal week of training: 25 workshops over 5 days including kettlebell, Parkour, running, nutrition, circus and Olympic lifting. What I didn’t know and what I’m so grateful for is that the coaches took their workshops to an elevated level that challenged us to see not only the skill but also to see the connection between the skill and our approach to life. They taught us by superb example that achieving a skill comes first from achieving a mindset that nothing is impossible, to want more for ourselves and to believe we can achieve it. They taught us to always find the joy in the journey, to focus and quiet any uncertainty, and then as we move from “can’t do it” to “can do it” to then ask ourselves “what’s next?”. I want to say a heartfelt thank you to Agatsu Inc and our other outstanding coaches, Alexander Varbanov Alexandrov and his family, Andralyn Zayn and Duane Steel of Deflying Fitness, Kimchan Ramrattan, Dan Iaboni, and Summer Innanen for sharing their passion and skills with such patience, kindness, clarity and humour. And finally, many thanks to the fellow participants who inspired me daily with their willingness to try, their ability to achieve and their generous support."Katherine McKnight Zia "On the train home after an amazing week of training. Not many "work" conferences are as life altering as this one was. Working with trainers and coaches with so much passion for their sport. The list of lessons learned is too long and extends beyond my sport and my practice. Concentration. Focus. Time. Believe. Make mistakes. Never give up."This is practice problem... need more practice" - Alexander Varbanov Alexandrov. Thanks to all my coaches this week and especially to Shawn Mozen & Sara-Clare Lajeunesse for organizing this amazing event. So happy you believed." Mia Kakebeeke There are no masters only students. There is no magic in any particular tool, system or method. True magic is found in daily consistent and dedicated practice. Dedicate yourself to mastery. Find your passion and spend the rest of your life becoming the best you can be. Remember that mastery is not a destination. Always slightly out of reach, we seek it and it changes us. We move closer only to see how far we truly are. We transform because we persevere and continue our journey despite its hardships. This is what the Masters of Movement Training Week is about. We are not masters but we are dedicated to mastery. Masters of Movement Training Week 2014 information and registration will be posted this October.
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