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Fitness Farce- Why a Kitten Dies Every Time Nike Makes an Educational Video - Agatsu Fitness

Fitness Farce- Why a Kitten Dies Every Time Nike Makes an Educational Video

***(Update since we published this blog Nike removed some of the videos. Thats great Nike however you have left the other Kettlebell clips from your "master" trainers. Let me help you understand why she is no Kettlebell master. Please see the bottom of this article for updates and review of the clips you left online for the word to follow** Have you been feeling a little flabby? Do you find yourself getting winded while chasing after the ice cream truck? Fear not! Nike is hear to save the day. That's right the company that brought you "Just do it" has "done it" with a series of helpful fitness tips and follow along videos. Now you and your friends can sit back in the comfort of your own home and watch as Nike experts teach you how to perform every move completely and utterly wrong. That's right boys and girls they "just did it." They did it without thinking or asking anyone who they should get to "do it." Instead of finding credible information to share with their fans they did what most fitness and sports companies do, they half assed it and it shows. Lets play a little game. Its called spot the expert. You can play along. Here is a clip from a Nike Kettlebell expert. Ok, here is an Agatsu trainer teaching the same move. Can you spot the difference? Someone clearly has no idea what they are talking about. Can you guess which one I am referring too? Oh, wait you say that's just a variation...hmmm actually nope its not. There are many great variations of the Turkish Get Up and the Nike Situp isn't one of them. Ahhh, but wait there's more... Here is the Nike Bent Press Ok lets play another round of "who doesn't care about fitness." Lets see if you can spot the difference between the above version and one from an actual Kettlebell instructor. This time we will take a look at a video from Kettlebell Athletics. Here is the update. Nike has removed the above clips but decided to leave the other gems. Sorry Nike but they are just as bad. Here is the Nike take on the One Hand Swing. For those of you who know better you will recognize the "squat swing" which is the most common Kettlebell training mistake for beginners to make. Have a look at this course video where we break down the swing. Ahhh but you "like" the squat swing...hmmmm ok well lets take a quick look at the clean and press. Have a look at the Clean done another way. I appreciate and applaud Nike taking the other clips down. Its the right thing to do however leaving the others up is baffling. You either understand that the public deserves better or you don't. There are many incredible fitness tools and variations on how to use them. Variety is great and necessary to help people reach their goals. I am not mad at companies for being lazy with the information they release. I understand they have other priorities but I do find videos like these very sad. Nike has a great platform and the attention of people from around the world. If they created those videos with the intent of helping educate and motivate their fans I suggest they rebuild this program from the ground up. Find someone who will research these subjects and locate real experts to demonstrate and educate. You owe it to your fans to "Just do it! Click here if you want to learn more about Kettlebell training.
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