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Black Friday Memories & Magic - Agatsu Fitness

Black Friday Memories & Magic

When I was a kid (long before I became a cynical adult that moans every time there is a commercial holiday that puts people into a shopping frenzy) I remember getting excited about things like Black Friday. The sales were all anyone could talk about. I would sit and daydream about getting a slick new pair of Adidas shoes or sweats. (If I had more guts maybe even an Adidas hat so I could like one of my fav rappers, don't worry I didn't have the guts and there are no pictures of me wearing one.)

Black Friday is coming up and to be honest I can't even imagine lining up at a store to pick up new gear or gadgets. Years ago I would line up and wait for what seemed like forever in the hopes of saving big. You would stand outside, often freezing in line with others all ready to rush the place as soon as the door opened. After what seemed like a frosty eternity the store staff would merciful open the doors. When I finally reached the promised land I would find that everyone had ransacked the place in minutes leaving only things that either wouldn't fit me or would likely ruin my social life if I wore them. It turns out when you are built like a mailbox stores don't stock a lot of items in your size.

If you are a trainer or as active as I am you burn through sweat pants, running shoes and t-shirts like crazy. Every pair of running shoes I have looks like they have been through a war couple months after I get them. Between running, gym training, and traveling my gear takes a beating and replacing things starts to seriously become costly.

These days I avoid shopping in stores on Black Friday, Purple Monday, Green Tuesday, basically always if I can. Like most of you I do my shopping online and I am always looking for suggestions of places to check out and get deals.

As much as I hate the shopping frenzy I love a good deal on something I need and Black Friday is a great time to pick up new training gear, if you know where to look. Lets help everyone by posting some of your favourite spots and list off your favourite things to get. Its fun to find little hidden gems, brick and mortar stores that no one knows about or your fav website that has special stuff that you can't find anywhere else.

I live in workout clothes. I have an embarrassingly large collection of shoes and as I mentioned earlier I like vintage cool. Give me a classic Adidas shoe or some vintage looking surfing sweatpants from my fav shop in Venice Beach (Aviator Nation) and I am happy guy.

For those of you with similar tastes to mine here is a list of some great stops to grab gear on Black Friday.

  1. All this talk about vintage cool has me thinking about grabbing a new pair of Adidas shoes. You can find some very big discounts here on Adidas.
  2. The prices make me sweat but the quality and style are awesome. I hate shopping. I mean I really hate it but every time I am in Venice Beach I go to this store and drool over their stuff. Love everything I have from them. Check them out. Aviator Nation
  3. If you are looking for deals on gadgets you can check out Aliexpress but a word of warning. Know what you are looking at and really know your pricing. Some things listed as a great deal really aren't that great for what you are getting.
  4. Of course we are going to have a Black Friday sale at Agatsu. Be sure to check out our Online Programs for specials and grab one before they are gone.

Lets help everyone sift through the online shopping quagmire and post your fav shops and stuff below and if you ask really nicely maybe I'll post a picture of me in my Adidas hat and gold chain looking like LL Cool J - as if such a picture really exists ;)

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